Where To Find Statewide. Below is a chart with information that will assist with this process. They can be found in almost all of the 50 states. During the early part of the 20th century, whitetail deer were under threat because of excessive hunting and development. Whitetail deer have probably been in North America for a very long time. 150 lbs. In a study of eastern hemlock forests, browsing by white-tailed deer caused populations of three exotic plants to rise faster than they do in the areas which are absent of deer. For the first four weeks, fawns are hidden in vegetation by their mothers, who nurse them four to five times a day. [18] This makes it very convenient to use deer-hunter orange as a safety color on caps and clothing to avoid accidental shootings during hunting seasons. Several local deer populations, especially in the Southern United States, are descended from white-tailed deer transplanted from various localities east of the Continental Divide. Shorty Buck Field Dressed Weight: No Dressed Weight Estimated Weight On Hoof: 430-Lbs Maine, 2009 #3. ), The deer's coat is a reddish-brown in the spring and summer and turns to a grey-brown throughout the fall and winter. Above average male red deer may have a hide that accounts for an average of 9% of body mass. White-tailed deer are generalists and can adapt to a wide variety of habitats. [124], Game animals and shooting in North America. 64 lbs. The stomach hosts a complex set of microbes that change as the deer's diet changes through the seasons. Brokx, P. A. [86] For example, by about 1930, the U.S. population was thought to number about 300,000. The velvet is there to give the growing antlers protection from damage. White-tailed deer's horizontally slit pupils allow for good night vision and color vision during the day. A buck's inside spread can be from 3 to 25in (864cm). For obvious reasons, theres no way to identify the largest living deer living in North America at any given moment. The result will be 78% of the live deers weight and should be a reasonable estimate of what the deer will weigh when dressed. Four major glands are the preorbital, forehead, tarsal, and metatarsal glands. 50 lbs. In 2005, estimates put the deer population in the United States at around 30 million. Sport hunting for whitetail deer is a way of conservation of natural habitats as well as a population management. Bucks are almost always larger than does, and the average length of the whitetail deer is 71 inches chest to tail. [12] The female (doe) in North America usually weighs from 40 to 90kg (88 to 198lb). Averages 36 inches at the shoulder (range 30-40 inches). It is possible that this will increase the deers mortality rate from disease. They can have bony protrusions up to a half inch in length, but that is very rare, and they are not the same as spikes. Did you know there are 47 species of deer found around the world? The moose is the heaviest and largest species of deer on the planet. It should also be noted that deer kept in captivity (for example, in zoos and on farms) arent included in these numbers. [102] Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the country with confirmed cases, according to 2019 CDC data, in virtually every state in the U.S. with the highest incidence levels in the states from Maine to Virginia, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Although most often thought of as forest animals depending on relatively small openings and edges, white-tailed deer can equally adapt themselves to life in more open prairie, savanna woodlands, and sage communities as in the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Today, there are around 72,000 North American elk in North America. The number of deer in a state can change from year to year. Thats nothing compared to the population of 35 million today! Texas is the state with the highest whitetail deer population. To determine dressed weight, know that dressed weight is usually 78% of live weight. Shipped with Expedited Shipping.</p><br /><p>This is a nice wide set of antlers on original full skull. Female North American elk have an average full-grown weight of approximately 250 kilograms. [32], Their diet consists mostly of woody shoots, stems, and leaves of woody plants as well as grasses, cultivated crops, nuts, berries, and wildflowers. They range in weight from 20 to 160 kg (50 to 350 lbs), with an average of about 60 kg (125 lbs). [80] Secretions from the tarsal gland mix with the urine and bacteria to produce a strong-smelling odor. [14] Many scavengers rely on deer as carrion, including New World vultures, raptors, red and gray foxes, and corvids. It is also possible that the increasing white-tailed deer populations could result in them becoming an invasive species for various plants in Alberta, Canada. Deer are excellent fence-jumpers, and their fear of motion and sounds meant to scare them away is soon dulled. [108] Infected deer can shed virus via nasal secretions and feces for five to six days and frequently engage in activities conductive to viral spread, such as sniffing food intermingled with waste, nuzzling noses, polygamy, and the sharing of salt licks. In some western regions of North America, the white-tailed deer range overlaps with those of the mule deer. Ticks are parasitic to white-tailed deer transmit diseases causing irritation, anemia, and infections. Deer damage and what farmers can do about it", "Major-Histocompatibility-Complex-Associated Variation In Secondary Sexual Traits Of White-Tailed Deer (, "Forest Foods Deer Eat," Department of Natural Resources website", "Deer Fact Sheet | Georgia DNR - Wildlife Resources Division", Morphology of the white-tailed deer tarsal gland, "Right plants (and fences) can keep deer at bay", Warning to Motorists: Fall Is Peak Season for Deer-Vehicle Collisions, "Lyme Disease Maps: Most Recent Year | Lyme Disease | CDC", "Accelerated phenology of blacklegged ticks under climate warming", "Tick control program reveals high level of infection in white-footed mice", "Wild U.S. deer found with coronavirus antibodies", "Widespread Coronavirus Infection Found in Iowa Deer, New Study Says", "Covid is rampant among deer, research shows", "New COVID variant found in deer shows signs of possible deer-to-human transmission", "Divergent SARS-CoV-2 variant emerges in white-tailed deer with deer-to-human transmission", "White-Tailed Deer Named State Mammal of Georgia", "List of State Mammals | State Symbols USA", "White-tailed Deer State Animal | State Symbols USA", "Climate change is the primary driver of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) range expansion at the northern extent of its range; land use is secondary", "Large-Scale Climatic Fluctuation and Population Dynamics of Moose and White-Tailed Deer", "Will Climate Change Change Deer? Caliber: 7mm-08 Rem Bullet Weight: 150 Gr Bullet Type: Soft Point Case Type: Brass . Whole Weight. Typical antlers are symmetrical and the points grow straight up off the main beam. One of the first processes involved in field dressing is taking out the animals vital organs as promptly as possible. Be prepared for there to be differences in the deer that you hunt. Most common in the U.S is the use of extended hunting as population control, as well as a way to provide meat for humans. You should learn how to shoot deer correctly to get the best possible yield. In the case of canids and wolverines, the predators bite at the limbs and flanks, hobbling the deer, until they can reach vital organs and kill it through loss of blood. Whitetail deer arent native to Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Nevada, and New Mexico. It does have some dried velvet on it and lighter weight and color but hard solid antlers. [48] However, due to the heavy urban development in much of the Eastern U.S., and fear for livestock and human lives, such ideas have ultimately been rejected by local communities and/or by government services and have not been carried through. Other deer species in North America are moose and elk. [55] Changes to the structure of forest understories have, in turn, altered the composition and abundance of forest bird communities in some areas. Full-grown male North American elk may reach a weight of as much as 500 kilograms in the late part of the summer. The 1942 Disney film adaptation of Bambi, famously changed Bambi's species from the novel's roe deer into a white-tailed deer. In the average red deer buck, the blood will comprise about 5%. Smaller particle size allows for increased nutrient absorption and the saliva is important because it provides liquid for the microbial population, recirculates nitrogen and minerals, and acts as a buffer for the rumen pH. But this can be a bit misleading about the actual weight and size of a deer. [33] Edges are described as a mosaic of vegetation types that create numerous interwoven edges where their respective boundaries intersect and provide optimum cover for browsers such as the white tailed deer. . WorldDeer.org was launched in 2005 and has evolved over the past 17 years to feature some of the best information about deer on the web. [119] Populations of white tailed deer have also moved anywhere from 50 to 250km north of the eastern Alberta study site. (1984). In 2019 the number of confirmed and probable cases totaled about 35,000. If the deer feels extremely threatened, however, it may choose to attack, charging the person or predator posing the threat, using its antlers or, if none are present, its head to fight off its target. Mule deer are one of the other most common species of deer in North America. A lot of hunting in Texas takes place on private land. This species will eat a great deal in the summer and fall, making sure it gains weight and fat reserves to get through the winter. Also, a noticeable difference exists in size between male and female deer of the savannas. ", "Penn State Study Shows Bears Are Major Predators Of Fawns", 10.1674/0003-0031(1998)139[0275:bobpow]2.0.co;2, "Wolves of Yellowstone - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)", "Northeast Region, U.S. Moose must live in cold, northernly places because they need environments that have snow for part of the year. [53][54] At the same time, increases in browse-tolerant grasses and sedges and unpalatable ferns have often accompanied intensive deer herbivory. If the microbes necessary for digestion of a particular food (e.g., hay) are absent, it will not be digested. How much does a deer weigh? Lets begin with a discussion of these environmental and seasonal factors which can impact the weight of a deer. [97] By 2009, the insurance industry estimated 2.4 million deervehicle collisions had occurred over the past two years, estimating damage cost to be over 7 billion dollars and 300 human deaths. They also eat hay, grass, white clover, and other foods they can find in a farmyard. [42] Coyotes, widespread and with a rapidly expanding population, are often the only major nonhuman predator of the species in the Eastern U.S., besides an occasional domestic dog. The following chart can be used to estimate the whole (live) weight of whitetail deer from dressed weight: Dressed Weight. Male fawns tend to be slightly larger and heavier than females. [42] In some areas, American black bears are also significant predators. [43][44] Alligators snatch deer as they try to drink from or cross bodies of water, grabbing them with their powerful jaws and dragging them into the water to drown. In Europe, however, theyre not called moose. In North America, the species is widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains as well as in southwestern Arizona and most of Mexico, except Lower California. In succession without deer, annual herbs and woody plants are followed by commercially valuable, shade-tolerant oak and maple. Although they are found in almost all states, whitetail deer dont live in all 50 states. [63] In Maryland and many other states, a state agency sets regulations on bag limits and hunting in the area depending on the deer population levels assessed. Food: Spring/summer: grasses and forbs; fall: acorns, other mast items, and . Deer experience high stress and are at high risk of dying in the process, putting into question its humaneness. The average weight of an adult male white-tailed deer is about 150 lbs., but in the northernmost end of their range the deer can exceed 250 lbs. If frightened, the deer will hop in a zig-zag with its tail straight up. Some have[who?] In Mesoamerica, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was hunted from very early times. Keep in mind that each state has different rules regarding hunting. Since the second half of the 19th century, white-tailed deer have been introduced to Europe. Carrying capacity and the overabundance of deer: a framework for management. [42] Most natural predators of white-tailed deer hunt by ambush, although canids may engage in an extended chase, hoping to exhaust the prey. Some areas no longer carry deer, so assessing the genetic difference of these animals is difficult. This population is separated from other white-tailed deer populations. To calculate this, multiply the live weight of the deer by 0.78. We also try to answer common questions about deer. When species are introduced to foreign ecosystems, they could potentially wreak havoc on the existing food web. [56] In regions of intermediate density, deer activity has also been shown to increase herbaceous plant diversity, particularly in disturbed areas, by reducing competitively dominant plants;[57] and to increase the growth rates of important canopy trees, perhaps by increased nutrient inputs into the soil. The second heaviest deer species in the world is the North American elk. Good antler-growth nutritional needs (calcium) and good genetics combine to produce wall trophies in some of their range. This puts the average bone weight of a buck at around 19-20 pounds. To do this, Division of Wildlife employees recorded the field-dressed weight of 115 deer during the 2017 Deer Gun Season. Some does may be as young as six months when they reach sexual maturity, but the average age of maturity is 18 months. They can also jump 9ft (2.7m) high and up to 30ft (9.1m) forward. For an average 140-pound deer, this is roughly 18 pounds. Sambar deer are found in India, southern China, Java, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Pakistan, Malaysia, Borneo, the Philippines, Burma, Taiwan, and Ceylon. The largest whitetail deer live in the northern United States and Southern Canada. Special Requests to Use State Game Lands Information, Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), Chest/Girth = Measure the chest just behind the front legs, Field Dressed = body cavity cleaned out (no entrails). The westernmost population of the species, known as the Columbian white-tailed deer, was once widespread in the mixed forests along the Willamette and Cowlitz River valleys of western Oregon and southwestern Washington, but current numbers are considerably reduced, and it is classified as near-threatened. [27][28], White-tailed deer eat large amounts of food, commonly eating legumes and foraging on other plants, including shoots, leaves, cacti (in deserts), prairie forbs,[29] and grasses. 191 lbs. In places such as Glacier National Park in Montana and several national parks in the Columbian Mountains (Mount Revelstoke National Park) and Canadian Rocky Mountains, as well as in the Yukon Territory (Yoho National Park and Kootenay National Park), white-tailed deer are shy and more reclusive than the coexisting mule deer, elk, and moose. And hunting is very popular in Texas, so theres a lot of competition. If you hunt deer, you need to get an as accurate idea of deer dressed weight as possible. They often rub-urinate into these scrapes, which are often found under twigs that have been marked with scent from the forehead glands. In the extreme north of the range, their habitat is also used by moose in some areas. /*footer link color*/a.footer {color: #D1B180;}/*footer hover link color*/a.footer:hover {color: #D1C580;}. They do well in cold climates. While the average numbers and calculations weve provided here should be extremely useful in finding an accurate number for each of the deer weight calculations, remember that they are estimates at the end of the day. It appears on the reverse side of the Costa Rican 1,000 coln note. The Rocky Mountains and continental divide serve as a natural barrier for many animal species. The state with the biggest deer trophies will change from year to year. [9], The white-tailed deer is highly variable in size, generally following both Allen's rule[10] and Bergmann's rule[10] that the average size is larger farther away from the equator. Thus, deer poorly distinguish the oranges and reds that stand out so well to humans. [118] Insects carrying these diseases are usually killed during the first snowfall. Sinclair, A. R. E. (1997). Below is our list of most of the different deer species and their average weights (listed in both pounds and kilograms). The top five states for whitetail hunter concentrations are all in the Northeast and Midwest (Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Wisconsin, and Ohio). Bobcats, Canada lynx, grizzly and American black bears, wolverines, and packs of coyotes usually prey mainly on fawns. Few wild predators can afford to be picky and any will readily consume deer as carrion. [119][120][118] The predicted change in deer populations due to climate change were expected to increase by 40% between 1970 and 1980. [62] By contrast, the species' closest cousins (blacktail deer and mule deer) have seen their populations cut by more than half in North America after peaking in 1960 and have never regained their pre-colonization numbers. Weve also learned that there is variation between individual animals, and there are other factors that impact deer weight. In Mississippi, the deer herd is estimated at 1.75 million animals, which is higher on a deer-per-unit-area basis (density) than any other state, and only Texas has a greater number of deer. Texas is home to the most white-tailed deer of any U.S. state or Canadian province, with an estimated population of 5.3 million. [78] Another way white-tailed deer communicate is through the use of their white tail. There are also some places in the world where this species has been introduced, such as Texas, Florida, and California in the United States, as well as Australia and New Zealand. Adult Weight: male 130 - 300 lb. [72] Bucks attempt to copulate with as many females as possible, losing physical condition, since they rarely eat or rest during the rut. [85] Due to the whitetail deer's frame and weight, cup and core bullets are the most recommended for taking clean, ethical shots. [67] Opponents of contraceptive methods point out that fertility control cannot provide meat and proves ineffective over time as populations in open-field systems move about. The North-American white-tail deer industry is split between breeding farms and hunting ranches. Length ranges from 95 to 220cm (37 to 87in), including a tail of 10 to 37cm (3.9 to 14.6in), and the shoulder height is 53 to 120cm (21 to 47in). Deer can become an invasive species and threaten the natural habitat of other animals. The velvet eventually comes off when its rubbed off in the latest part of the summer. Size Total length: 2-8 feet; tail length: 4-14 inches; weight: 90-311 pounds. This strategy keeps scent levels low to avoid predators. Strong conservation efforts have allowed white deer to thrive within the confines of the depot. 64 lbs. A full-grown female mooses average weight ranges between 595 and 882 pounds (or 270 and 400 kilograms). A deers hanging weight is different from dressed weight. But if you want to calculate the realistic venison weight (with bone), simply multiply the boneless meat weight by 70%. Despite the alarming high rate of these accidents, the effect on deer density is still quite low. Canada and Mexico also have whitetail deer. The items they feed on are not generally abundant in mature forests and are mostly found at edges. (1971). Dressed Weight. However, this industry could have great repercussions on the ecosystem the farms are placed in because overpopulation of deer causes damage to local fauna. How to use this chart: Chest/Girth = Measure the chest just behind the front legs Live Weight = Live deer on the hoof Field Dressed = body cavity cleaned out (no entrails) Edible Meat = Boneless edible venison Weight is in pounds (lbs.) [30] When additional amounts of minerals such as calcium are needed in their diet, they can resort to osteophagy, chewing on bones of dead animals. Copyright 2022 WorldDeer.org. The tarsal glands are found on the upper inside of the hock (middle joint) on each hind leg. Keystone State. The first type, similar to the Central American deer, consists of savannas, dry deciduous forests, and riparian corridors that cover much of Venezuela and eastern Colombia. Rack growth tends to be very important from late spring until about a month before velvet sheds. The state tree, the Ohio Buckeye, is named so because its nut resembles a deer - or buck's - eye. Some taxonomists have attempted to separate white-tailed deer into a host of subspecies, based largely on morphological differences. You may be wondering about the biggest and heaviest deer species in the world, and while you can compare the average weight of different types of deer in the table on this page, heres a quick list of the deer species that weigh the most: Lets take a closer look at each of these large types of deer. Their multi-chambered stomachs allow them to eat some foods humans cannot, such as mushrooms (even those that are toxic to humans),[clarification needed] and poison ivy. Because of their abundance, whitetail deer are one of the most popular animals for hunting. The smallest deer occur in the Florida Keys and in partially wooded lowlands in the Neotropics. The general geographical trend is for the rut to be shorter in duration at increased latitude. The male elk will grow a new set of antlers every year. A main issue in questioning the humaneness of this method is the stress that the deer endure while trapped and awaiting extermination. Wildlife protection plans were put into place. That species lives mostly in the western part of North America. Fish and Wildlife Service - Gray Wolf", "Big Cat Tales - NYS Dept. Wisconsin is the place to go if you want to find a prize-winning whitetail buck. [106] A later study by Penn State University and wildlife officials in Iowa showed that up to 80 percent of Iowa deer sampled from April 2020 through January 2021 had tested positive for active SARS-CoV-2 infection, rather than solely antibodies from prior infection. Northeastern hardwood and spruce-fir forests. While some people care about the by-products produced by the deer, some people just care for the pursuit of a hunt. : Soft Point Case Type: Brass typical antlers are symmetrical and the points straight! Few wild predators can afford to be differences in the extreme North of the whitetail deer were under threat of! Female ( doe ) in North America 72,000 North American elk, white clover and! This can be found in almost all of the eastern Alberta study.. Will grow a New set of antlers every year the 1942 Disney film adaptation of Bambi, famously changed 's! Can adapt to a wide variety of habitats jump average whitetail deer weight by state ( 2.7m high! 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